Hey everybody! I don't use Scratch anymore, but after the success of my Scratch 2 converter and a lot of emails and comments, I decided to make this anyways. Enjoy!
Unlike the previous version, Scratch 3.0 is entirely web-based (made with Node, webpack, and Electron) so I had to completely rewrite this from the ground up. Rather than a SWF file, this program produces Electron-based native apps for macOS, Windows, and Linux. The converter itself is written in Java.
This is an early version, so please tell me if you encounter any bugs. Java is required to run the converter.
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Fixed a display scaling issue that caused projects to appear too large on high-DPI/Retina screens. Thanks to @TEchnical-boy for finding this bug and testing the fix. Check out his YouTube channel for related videos, such as how to change an EXE's icon.
Initial release, hacked together in an afternoon.
the converter
a converted project
This is based on the official Scratch VM and its dependencies, as well as Node and Electron framework.